Pages and Chapters

Whenever I am going through something that I cannot simply open up with just anyone for some reasons, aside from pouring it out to God, I also turn to two things: writing and music. Which is what I am doing now. The pouring out, I did last night, though I feel and know God has not heard the end of it. He knows me so He knows I’ll be coming back to pour out some more. To help with the processing, or simply just to get through the day, I am obviously writing now, while listening to music. I was looking for something to find inspiration or encouragement and since music is as they say the language of the soul, I am tapping into my soul right now with music.

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Kia Ora!

Would that be my greeting a few months from now?

The Lord is really full of surprises. Though there is no definite plan or direction yet, a possible opportunity gave me some sort of excitement. Not the giddy kind, but the kind that makes you hope for a brighter future. I won’t lie. The prospects excite me. But in all these years being a Christian, I have learned the importance of waiting on the Lord. Whatever the outcome, just knowing I am in the will of God, though there may be disappointments because of unmet expectations or I have allowed myself to have false hopes, I can easily move past that. There’s no place safer than under the will of God.

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The Call to Lead

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

Five years ago, all I wanted was to join a group with whom I could have my walk of faith, to journey with them, to share God’s Word with, to grow in the Word, share our struggles with. I got that and even wrote about My Sisters in Christ. I faithfully attended our weekly meetings, rarely missing out. I prayed for this and God was really very generous in leading me to a group where I would truly grow.

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Worship That Comes from the Heart

What does it take to truly worship God? Is it in the beautiful songs of praise we sing? Is it in lavish praises we give to God as we pray? All of those are outward expressions of honoring God. But there is one thing that God looks into as we do those things. He looks at our hearts.

Let’s revisit a timeless story, one that Jesus honored and where He made a promise that it will be told through all the ages.

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I don’t know how many times I’d have to jump start my writing activity. So after three solid months, I felt compelled to write again. A renewed purpose does that to you. For me, it’s sort of a good whack in the head as well. I mean, I have this platform, this blog that’s just gathering dust and cobwebs. I definitely have something to write about. I just wasn’t finding time. Maybe I just didn’t have the right motivation. At least now, I think I do.

I’m so rusty that I am trying to find my way through this blog again, the innards that is. Well, it was a success to finally figure out again how to change elements in the widgets, to add categories, etc.. I’m taking baby steps again when just a couple of years ago, doing those was just a breeze. So many elements and features have been added. So here I go, trying to learn the ropes once again.

Oh, but this is fun! I’m writing again! Time to build up once again where I left off. So here we go…

Featured Photo Credit: @corinnekutz

Writing Again

I haven’t been writing for quite sometime now, more than three years on hiatus I suppose. Partly, it’s because I had a new job and I didn’t have much time for writing as I used to. Maybe it’s also because I have gone through life changing events that somehow shook the life that I knew. Losing loved ones at short intervals does that to you. I lost my mom to cancer three years ago and while still in grief, I lost my sister just this March because of heart attack.

Writing has been one of the ways I express myself, being an introvert by nature. I’d like to be heard through writing, to say my piece even if I don’t know who gets to read this or if I make sense somehow. But more than self expression, there is this inner desire now to inspire and somehow make a positive difference, no matter how small. This desire may have been there at the start, but it fizzled along the way.

But now, I am writing again, this time with a better purpose in mind. So yes, I am admitting that for a time, I wasn’t motivated enough to pound those keys and type away as fast as my brain dictates. The train of thoughts was still there, knowing how my brain rattles on, but the desire to share wasn’t enough to keep me going. Something clicked again inside me, so here I am, back in my rusty little space, brushing thick cobwebs along the way.

I’m rambling I know. Just my way of jump-starting myself, getting my momentum and all. Sometimes, all we need is to start again, one word at a time… and before we know it, we’re paragraphs away. Doesn’t matter if I’m still rambling. I am writing again, that is all that matters now.

The Fight

I have been away from writing for quite sometime.  I find that I may need to go back to writing and really find time to write.  A lot of things, life-changing events have happened since the start of this year.  And with just barely a month, we’re ushering into another year.  Is the new year something to look forward to or do I shrink away and just hide under a rock? Continue reading